Vaping: What Our Medical Specialists Say

[NOTE:  Concern over vaping injuries and deaths prompted the following McLeod Specialists to research and draft this article: Dr. Rajesh Bajaj, Oncologist;  Dr. Peter Hyman, Population Health; Dr. Vinod Jona, Pulmonologist; Dr. Alan Sechtin, Radiologist and the McLeod Healthier Lungs Initiative Team.]


The CDC confirms deaths and lung injuries related to e-cigarettes or vaping. Almost 80% of the injuries have occurred in patients under the age of 35.


E-cigarettes have been viewed as a safer alternative to smoking. However, along with these illnesses and deaths, the latest research tells us that many vaping products contain THC, the main psychoactive ingredient of marijuana. In particular, products obtained off the street have played a major role in this outbreak.

Now, many of our patients are asking, “Should I go back to smoking cigarettes?”  Here’s what we know so far, and what we advise.


The FDA began regulating e-cigarettes in 2016, including the marketing of products to help people quit smoking.  Since 2018, all e-cigarettes are labeled with the important warning that these products all contain nicotine – the same addictive chemical in tobacco. Most people would be surprised to know that the manufacturers often set the “dose” of nicotine in vaping products to levels that get users hooked faster, sooner.

We know vaping can be an important off-ramp for tobacco smokers. However for now, there just isn’t enough data to support the acclaim that vaping products are safe for long-term use.

Selling e-cigarettes to people under the age of 18 is illegal. Until recently, many websites selling these products have not performed rigorous age verification. Many brick-and-mortar stores are also lax about verifying the age of vaping customers. And some minors get the products from older youth.

Chemicals in e-cigarettes are known to cause COPD, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Our combined medical experience confirms that the lungs are just too delicate and fragile to tolerate repeated contact with the chemicals in e-cigarettes, even while the plume of smoke looks so innocent.


First, we advise that the production and sale of vaping products with THC should be halted.

Second, we encourage adult users to speak with their physicians and look for ways to wean off vaping.

Third, for youth and adults, we have crystal clear advice: If you  haven’t vaped yet, don’t. And if you do vape, stop now! For youth, vaping is the on-ramp to a lifetime of nicotine and smoking. Almost 40% of high school seniors and, more stunning, 20% of 8th graders, reported vaping in the preceding 12 months. One in 3 teens will make the transition to tobacco cigarettes six months in.  Sadly, we know what will come next for this generation of new smokers.

As physicians in the community and for our community, we are taking a stand now. We will work to treat smoking-related illnesses of our current patients and double-down on efforts to inform our patients, friends and neighbors to prevent a new generation of health problems.

Speak to a primary care physician about vaping.