Volunteer Chaplaincy Program at McLeod Dillon Interest Meeting on June 6


Patients receiving care at McLeod Medical Center Dillon and their families have the opportunity to receive spiritual and emotional support of the Chaplains that volunteer their time to meet the growing spiritual outreach needs of those served at McLeod Dillon.

As the medical center seeks to meet the growing needs of our patients and their families, we invite area chaplains to consider becoming a part of the outreach group, a vital component in the team approach used by all caregivers at McLeod Dillon.

Area chaplains are invited to learn more about the Volunteer Chaplaincy Program at a brunch on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in the hospital Private Dining Room.

Tom Pietila, Director of Pastoral Services at McLeod Regional Medical Center, will speak about the program and the future success of the program. Volunteer Chaplains have the opportunity to participate in educational offerings dealing with illness, grief, death and dying.

For more information on the Volunteer Chaplaincy Program contact Candice Tyler, Program Coordinator at McLeod Dillon, at 487-1293.