McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal Encourages Parents to Model Safety First


In 2010, more than 68,000 children were treated in Emergency Departments for unintentional poisoning-related incidents. Almost 72 percent of those treated were under five years of age.

Little hands can lead to big trouble. As your baby begins toddling around the house, toxic substances in drawers and cabinets are within reach. Children at this age also begin to imitate others’ behaviors, so it is important to model safety first. McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal offers the following safety tips for protecting your child from a poison-related injury at home.

In the bathroom

  • Lock up medications and other medicine out of children’s sight and reach.
  • Keep products in their original containers.
  • Never refer to medicine or vitamins as "candy."
  • Always read labels and follow directions exactly.

In the kitchen

  • Read labels and instructions on all household products.
  • Safely store house cleaners, detergents and poisons out of reach.

Around the house

  • Use child-resistant packages.
  • Never leave potentially poisonous household products unattended while in use.
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms.
  • Prevent carbon monoxide by insuring heating appliances are in good working order and used only in well-ventilated areas. Do not run a car in the garage, even to warm it up; move the car outside first.

For more information about preventing childhood injury, call McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal at (843) 777-5021 to speak to an Injury Prevention Specialist. You can also visit or find the group on Facebook under McLeod Safe Kids. McLeod Safe Kids Pee Dee/Coastal is funded in part by the McLeod Health Foundation.