McCall Farms Opens Family Health Center in Partnership with McLeod Onsite Health


Pictured from left to right: Thomas Hunter, Co-President of McCall Farms; Woody Swink, Co-President of McCall Farms; Tim Aponte, Safety, Training, & Compliance Director; Donna Isgett, President & CEO of McLeod Health; and McCall Swink, Co-President of McCall Farms.

On June 24, McCall Farms in partnership with McLeod Onsite Health held an open house and ribbon cutting for their new Family Health Center located in Effingham, South Carolina. McLeod has been working with McCall Farms as a healthcare partner for nearly ten years.

A team of two EMS Paramedics and McLeod Onsite Health Nurse Partitioner Courtney Dowling will provide primary medical care, health coaching, medication management, blood work, sports/school physicals, vaccinations, and more to the nearly 1,250 McCall Farms employees and covered dependents.

Speakers during the event included McCall Farms Co-Presidents Woody Swink, McCall Swink, Thomas Hunter and McLeod Health CEO and President Donna Isgett.