Nuclear Radiology

Nuclear medicine images assist the physician in diagnosing diseases, tumors, infections, and other disorders by evaluating organ function. It is unique because it provides information about organs and their function and often allows for diagnostic information to be discovered before the onset of physical symptoms. An example is a bone scan, which can detect metabolic changes in the bones caused by infection, trauma or tumor. Such abnormalities can be seen on a bone scan long before they can be detected by other imaging technologies, such as a diagnostic X-ray.

Nuclear medicine can be used for a number of tests including:

  • Analyzing kidney function
  • Checking blood flow to and function of the heart
  • Assessing lungs for respiratory and blood flow problems
  • Evaluating bones for fracture, infection, arthritis or tumor
  • Evaluating the function of the gallbladder
  • Determining the presence of cancer
  • Measuring thyroid function to detect an over or underactive gland

Visit for more information about Nuclear Medicine, including information to help you prepare for your test.

The McLeod Regional Medical Center Department of Radiology Was the First Facility in the Region to Develop a Department of Nuclear Medicine
McLeod Nuclear Medicine has been operational for over 40 years, and the department currently comprises five cameras and eight technologists.

Nuclear medicine is performed in the McLeod Tower, First Floor, 555 East Cheves Street, Florence and the McLeod Pavilion, First Floor, 801 East Cheves Street, Florence.