McLeod Health Dillon Volunteers Honored
for Hours of Service


Joan Ervin, CEO of McLeod Health Dillon, is pictured with, from left to right: Barbara Driggers, Linda Battle, Betty Collins, and Auxiliary President Anna Coaxum.

Several members of the Volunteer Auxiliary at McLeod Health Dillon were recently honored for hours of service in 2021.

Recognized by Joan Ervin, CEO of McLeod Health Dillon, and Anna Coaxum, Auxiliary President, were Barbara Driggers for 100 hours of service, Linda Battle for 100 hours of service and Betty Collins for volunteering an additional 500 hours.

The Hospital Auxiliary promotes McLeod Health Dillon through its volunteer efforts. Auxilians volunteer many hours per month, they operate the Pink Dogwood gift shop and give of their time at hospital functions and events throughout the year. Proceeds from the gift shop and several other annual fundraisers that are held throughout the year have been used to purchase state-of-the-art medical equipment for McLeod Dillon. The Auxiliary members have also established a scholarship fund to encourage deserving individuals in Dillon County to further their education in health-related careers.