McLeod Loris Seacoast Trains Teens to Be Safe Sitters

(6/4/2013) McLeod Loris Seacoast is offering a Safe Sitter course for teens interested in learning more about babysitting or to help increase the knowledge and skills of those who are currently babysitting.

Safe Sitter classes are designed for girls and boys ages 11 to 13.  Class participants learn safety and security precautions, such as what to do if a stranger comes to the door and when and how to call for help. They receive instruction about basic first aid, choking and CPR, in addition to information on child development to assist with caring for children of various ages. They are taught practical business tips since babysitting is most often a teen’s first job.  

Safe Sitter classes will be held Thursday, July 25, at North Myrtle Beach Aquatic & Fitness Center and on Tuesday, August 6, at the Center for Health and Fitness in Loris, from 9:30 a.m. –  5:30 p.m. each day. The cost for the class is only $35 and includes lunch, an official Safe Sitter bag, instruction manual and certification card.

Space is limited, so registration is required. For more information or to register your teen for one of these classes, please call (843) 390-8326.