McLeod Loris Seacoast Employees Grant Angel Tree Wishes at Loris Extended Care Center

(12/23/2013)   McLeod Loris Seacoast employees celebrated Christmas a little early this year by granting Angel Tree wishes for the residents of Loris Extended Care Center.  Each resident received gifts donated by McLeod Loris Seacoast administration and staff during a Christmas celebration Friday, December 20.

Angel Trees were located in the cafeterias at McLeod Loris, McLeod Seacoast and Loris Extended Care Center. Employees were able to select an angel from the trees, do some shopping and deliver new, unwrapped items to the Human Resources offices at McLeod Loris and McLeod Seacoast. Each angel contained a gift item request from a resident. Employees gathered to gift wrap each gift and again to distribute them.

Anyone interested in learning more about ways to contribute to the residents of Loris Extended Care Center can contact the McLeod Health Foundation office at (843) 390-8215.

About McLeod Loris and McLeod Seacoast                                       

McLeod Loris and McLeod Seacoast provide care for residents of northern Horry County, South Carolina, and southern Brunswick and Columbus Counties in North Carolina. Founded in 1950, McLeod Loris is a fully-accredited acute care facility with 105 licensed beds.  McLeod Seacoast opened in 2000 as an outpatient facility.  In July 2011, McLeod Seacoast began providing inpatient care as a 50-bed hospital. On January 9, 2012, both facilities became part of the McLeod family of quality healthcare facilities.  Other facilities located in Horry County affiliated with McLeod Health are Loris Extended Care Center and the Center for Health and Fitness.