McLeod Health Educates Region on Heart Disease

February is known nationwide as Heart Month. At McLeod Health, this year’s promotions are focused on educating the public on heart disease, the risk factors, recognizing the signs of a heart attack and partnering with our local EMS teams to provide education on Hands-Only CPR. These efforts are being communicated through the use of print ads, television advertising, physician articles, and educational community events.

While you may not believe what you feel is the “norm” for having a heart attack, the best advice is to listen to your instincts. And, recognize the most common signs of a heart attack, like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, pain or discomfort in the chest, neck, jaw, shoulders, arms or back, shortness of breath, or nausea.  Call 911 immediately if you experience any of these signs. To see how to properly perform Hands-Only CPR, watch the how-to video at

If you need assistance in managing your heart condition, the cardiologists at McLeod Cardiology Associates can help. They have offices available in Florence, Cheraw, Hartsville, Loris, Little River, Manning, Myrtle Beach, and Sumter. For a complete list of the McLeod Cardiologists and their location information, please visit our physician locator on the McLeod website at