3D Mammography™ Now Available at McLeod Regional Medical Center and McLeod Health Dillon

McLeod Regional Medical Center in Florence and McLeod Health Dillon now offer the most accurate mammogram available – 3D Mammography™. The Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam is revolutionizing how breast cancer is detected by providing a better option for women of all breast densities compared to 2D alone.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in South Carolina regardless of race. It is also the second leading cause of cancer deaths for women in the state and the leading cancer site diagnosed at McLeod Health.

Early detection significantly increases a woman’s chance of survival. The National Cancer Institute recommends that women begin having annual mammograms at age 40.

What is 3D Mammography™?
3D Mammography™ produces a three-dimensional view that allows doctors to examine breast tissue layer by layer unlike the flat images used in conventional mammograms. A good analogy for 3D Mammography™ is like thinking of the pages in a book. If you look down at the cover you cannot see all of the pages – but when you open it up, you can go through the entire book page-by-page to see everything between the covers.

What are the advantages of 3D Mammography™?
Studies show that the Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam has greater accuracy than 2D mammography for women across a variety of ages and breast densities. It is the only mammogram that is FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone. This is good news for patients, as nearly fifty percent of women between the ages of 40 and 74 have dense breasts. 3D Mammography™ also allows for earlier detection, finding 20 percent to 65 percent more invasive cancers than conventional mammography. In addition, 3D Mammography™ provides greater peace of mind, reducing call back exams by up to 40 percent.

How does a 3D Mammogram™ work?
Women will see little difference between a conventional 2D mammogram and a 3D mammogram™. The exam takes about the same amount of time – a 3.7 second scan time – and the positioning is the same. The real difference is in the information available to the doctor.

If it’s time for your annual mammogram, schedule your 3D Mammogram at either of the McLeod locations below by calling McLeod Reservations and Scheduling at (843) 777-2095.

McLeod Regional Medical Center
801 East Cheves Street
Florence, SC 29506