High Blood Pressure – Shortcut to Heart Attack, Stroke

Age, Gender, Heredity.  These account for 20 percent of the heart disease that you CANNOT control. Don’t feel helpless, though.  The list of risk factors for heart disease and stroke that can be changed by your individual choices and actions are:

  • Avoid Tobacco
  • Exercise regularly
  • Control your Cholesterol
  • Control your Blood Pressure
  • Control your Blood Sugar

Not managed properly, these account for the other 80 percent of the risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

McLeod Cardiologist Nathan Almeida, M.D. discusses a “normal” blood pressure level and cautions that high blood pressure can significantly increase you heart risks, up to four times for some heart and vascular diseases:

Key points in the video:

  • Normal blood pressure is considered 120/80
  • Hypertension is a blood pressure higher than 140/90.
  • High Blood pressure can
    • Double the chances of a Heart Attack
    • Increase the risk of heart failure and stroke three to four times

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