Hear That Swooshing? Could be a Heart Murmur.

A heart murmur could be a sign of…nothing. Or… it could be the sign of some more serious underlying problem. McLeod Cardiologist Alan Blaker says if your personal physician hears “swishing” or “swooshing” sound through his stethoscope, you should see a cardiologist promptly.

 Here are a few notes from Dr. Blaker’s video:

  • A “heart murmur” generally means that blood flowing through the heart is making a noise.
  • It should be examined by a cardiologist with an ultrasound or echocardiogram.
  • Be alert for new symptoms, such as worsening fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, or chest discomfort.
  • It’s best to seek management of the murmur before the problem becomes too high risk for surgery.

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